NT Vol-VII, I Proces norymberski
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//-->Editor'sN o t eI 1spite of the meticulous care given tothis1edition certain inexactitudes may slip in, someoriginating with the speakers themselves. I norder to give a faithful rendering of the Recordwe are avoiding alterations, but correctivenotes will be printed in the final volume.The General Secretary's Office would begrateful if the reader would draw to his attention any errors or omissions, so that they mayalso be included in the list of corrections.S.P a u lA.J o o s t e nDeputy GeneralSecretary.I:IAddress:Lawrence Deeme Egbert, Editorlnternationnl MilitaryTribunalRecordAPO6%A,United StntesArmy.,!:.TRIAL0FTHEMAJOR WAR CRIMINALSBEFORE-THE INTERNATIONALMILITARY TRIBUNALNUREMBERG14 NOVEMBER 1945-1OCTOBER 1946PUBLISHED AT NUREMBERG, GERMANY1947This volumeispublished in accordance with thedirection of the International Military Tribunal bythe secretariat of the Tribunal, under the jurisdiction of the Allied Control Authority for Germany.V O L U M EVIIOFFICIALINT H ETEXTENGLISHLANGUAGEP R O C E E D I N G S5F e b r u a r y 1946-19 F e b r u a r y 19466
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