N License, Czcionki ozdobne, Czcionki

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License Agreement=By using or installing this software,you agree to be bound by the terms ofthis Agreement.=1: License Grant=Number of Users: In consideration forthe license fee paid, Norfok® Inc. grantsto you only, the Licensee, the non-exclusive,nontransferable right to use and display theproduct purchased through this service. Ifyou are using this product for your work,this agreement applies to your employer.Norfok® Inc. software or image collectionsmay be used on one CPU at your site connectedto any number of printers or other imageproducing devices at that own site.=Third Parties:You may send a copy of any font or image forwhich you hold a license along with yourdocuments to a commercial printer or otherservice bureau to enable the editing orprinting of your document, provided that suchparty agrees to erase those fonts or imagesfrom their storage media and accepts liabilityfor any misuse or appropriation of the font orimage. You may also "embed" TrueType formatfonts within your documents for the viewing,editing, and printing of those documents.=Modifications:You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverseengineer, decompile, disassemble, or createderivative works based on the Norfok® Inc.product without prior written consent fromNorfok® Incredible Font Design=Backups:You may make one (1) copy of this Norfok® Inc.product solely for backup purposes providedthe copyright and trademark notices arereproduced in their entirety on the backupcopy.=Online Use of Images:Images included in this package may not beused in any website.=Rights Reservation. All contents of thispackage are Copyright (c) 2003by Norfok® Incredible Font Design=2: Copyright=This Norfok® Inc. product and the accompanyingmaterials are copyrighted and containproprietary information and trade secrets ofNorfok® Inc. Unauthorized copying of the producteven if modified, merged, or included withother software, or of the written materials,is expressly forbidden. You may be held legallyresponsible for any infringement of Norfok® Inc.intellectual property rights that is caused orencouraged by your failure to abide by the termsof this Agreement.=3: Termination=This Agreement is effective until terminated.This Agreement will terminate automaticallywithout notice from Norfok® Inc. if you fail tocomply with any provision contained herein.Upon termination, you must destroy the writtenmaterials, the Norfok® Inc. product, and allcopies of them, in part and in whole, includingmodified copies, if any.=4: Upgrades=Norfok® Inc. periodically updates many fonts.As a licensed user you are entitled toupgrades for a less fee by Norfok® Inc.=5. Limited Warranty=Norfok® Inc. warrants the Product to be freefrom defects in materials and workmanship undernormal use for a period of thirty (30) daysfrom the date of delivery as shown on yourinvoice. Norfok® Inc. entire liability and yourexclusive remedy as to a defective product shallbe, at Norfok® Inc. option, either return ofpurchase price or replacement of any such productthat is returned to Norfok® Inc. with a copy ofthe invoice. Norfok® Inc. shall have noresponsibility to replace the product or refundthe purchase price if failure results fromaccident, abuse or misapplication, or if anyproduct is lost or damaged due to theft, fire,or negligence. Any replacement product will bewarranted for thirty (30) days.=In all other ways this product is provided"as is". Norfok® Inc. does not make any warrantyof any kind, either expressed or implied,including, but not limited to the impliedwarranties of merchantability and fitness fora particular purpose. Norfok® Inc. does notwarrant that the functions contained in theProduct will meet your requirements or that theoperation of the software will be uninterruptedor error free.=Under no circumstances and under no legal theory,tort, contract, or otherwise, shall Norfok® Inc.or its suppliers or resellers be liable to youor any other person for any indirect, special,incidental, or consequential damages of anycharacter including, without limitation, damagesfor loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computerfailure or malfunction, or any and all othercommercial damages or losses.=All contents of this package areCopyright 2003 by Norfok® Incredible Font Design=If you have any questions concerning thisAgreement, or if you desire to contact Norfok® Inc.for any reason, please contact us at:=email:support@norfok.com=website: [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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