N Scale Modeller 19, N Scale Modeller

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//-->N Scale Modellerwww.nscale.org.auIssue 19 ~ June 2014Issue 1 9 ~ June 201 4________________________________________________________________________________www.nscale.org.au1N Scale ModellerEditorialWelcome to the 19th issue of N Scale Modeller.Included in this issue is a brief history of the first 10 years ofT­TRAK in Australia. Also, an introduction to N ScaleConventions Australia, the new body formed to run futurenational N scale conventions in Australia.Registration for the forth­coming national N scale conventionto be held in Brisabane in April 2014 is now open. See the Nconvention Ad for details.We would like to emphasize the closing date (30 June 2014)for modellers wishing to make a pledge for the building ofready­to­runNSWGR AD60 Garrattlocomotives in N scale.Only a few days left before the pledging period closes. Detailsof this project may be perused at the beginning page of theNew Products section.As always, we welcome your feedback and the submission ofany articles or pictures that can be shared with the railwaymodelling community.Publication Team: Graham CocksDavid BromagePublished by nscale.org.au (a Member of INGANET*)Email ............................................ nsm@nscale.org,auArticles may not be copied or reprinted without the permission of therespective authors. Original articles in this publication may not becopied or reprinted without the permission of the publisher. Thepublisher accepts no responsibility for articles submiited bycontributors.Modellers wishing to submit articles should take note of the followingtechnical requirements. Photos must be forwarded as separate items:1. Text may be submitted using Word or plain text by email if it's a shortitem. We can do the formatting.2. Photos to be in JPG (JPEG) format. 300dpi or better. We can reducethe size if necessary.3. Text should indicate where a photo should be inserted, eg (Fig 1placed here).Assistance with article preparation is available from the Team ifrequired.While advertising is not accepted as such, N Scale Modeller welcomesrelevant product news from manufacturers.All correspondence and submissions is via the publication's emailaddress: nsm@nscale.org.au* International N­Gauge Association NETworkContentsOne Way for a Roadway ......................... 11It's Never Too Late To Start ..................... 1 4T-TRAK in Australia - The First 1 0 Years .............. 3 Product News .......................................... 1 9Cover:N Scale Conventions Australia ................. 23Exhibitions ................................................ 25Upcoming exhibitions ............................... 27Issue 1 9 ~ June 201 42________________________________________________________________________________www.nscale.org.auT­TRAK in Australia ­ The First 10 YearsFirst module built ­ in 2003 by Andrew GeorgeIssue 1 9 ~ June 201 4________________________________________________________________________________www.nscale.org.au3At AMRA (VIC Branch) MR Show, August 2009First individual layout display ­ in 2005 by Andrew Georgeat Adelaide MR ShowFirst club layout display ­ in 2005 by MelbNTrak club4________________________________________________________________________________First 'Youth Awards' presentation ­ in 2005 by MelbNTrakCommunal layout at AEP MR Show, March 2010First 'Meet' at the 10thN Convention held in Adelaide. 2007www.nscale.org.auIssue 1 9 ~ June 201 4Albany MRA layout on display at AMRA (WA branch) ShowCommunal layout at Adelaide MR Show, 2008Display by Eddie Stavleu at NMRA Convention 2008Issue 1 9 ~ June 201 4________________________________________________________________________________Communal layout at Adelaide MR Show, 2010Display at AMRA (WA banch) MR Show 2009www.nscale.org.au5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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