N Scale Modeller 21, N Scale Modeller

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//-->N Scale Modellerwww.nscale.org.auIssue 21 ~ December 2014N Scale ModellerEditorialWelcome to the 21st issue of N Scale Modeller.Just a reminder that theNational N Scale Conventionis to be held inApril next year. Many delegates have already taken the opportunity toregister early to make a little savings. A "late bird" discount is currentlyavailable. Details at the website. See the N Convention Ad for the link.Three articles in this issue of NSM all present something a little different ­creation of a home operations layout using T­TRAK modules, “Clayton’s” T­TRAK modules, and a method of using reed switches for route detection ofUnitrack points.We would like to emphasize the closing date (24th December 2014) formodellers wishing to make a pledge for the building of ready­to­runNSWGR 45 classdiesel locomotives in N scale via a Kickstarter project.Only a few days left before the pledging period closes. Details of thisproject may be perused at Page 11.The NSM team would like to wish all our readers a joyful and peacefulChristmas season and a Happy New Year.As always, we welcome your feedback and the submission of any articles orpictures that can be shared with the railway modelling community.Publication Team: Graham CocksDavid BromagePublished by nscale.org.au (a Member of INGANET*)Email ............................................ nsm@nscale.org,auArticles may not be copied or reprinted without the permission of therespective authors. Original articles in this publication may not becopied or reprinted without the permission of the publisher. Thepublisher accepts no responsibility for articles submiited bycontributors.Modellers wishing to submit articles should take note of the followingtechnical requirements. Photos must be forwarded as separate items:1. Text may be submitted using Word or plain text by email if it's a shortitem. We can do the formatting.2. Photos to be in JPG (JPEG) format. 300dpi or better. We can reducethe size if necessary.3. Text should indicate where a photo should be inserted, eg (Fig 1placed here).Assistance with article preparation is available from the Team ifrequired.While advertising is not accepted as such, N Scale Modeller welcomesrelevant product news from manufacturers.All correspondence and submissions is via the publication's emailaddress: nsm@nscale.org.au* International N­Gauge Association NETworkN a ti o n a l N S c a l e C o n v e n ti o nBri sb an e 2015ContentsConv start (9 April)months until4"Clayton's" T-TRAK Modules ............................... 8Kickstarter project - NSWGR 45 Class Diesel .... 11An End-to-End T-TRAK Operations Layout ...... 3 Product News ..................................................... 11Unitrack Route Sensing Using a Reed Switch .. 5 Vale - Dale Edwards (USA) ................................ 1 6Cover:Quick Ideas ............................................. 1 7Exhibitions .............................................. 1 8National N Scale Convention Ad ............ 20Upcoming Exhibitions ............................. 20Issue 21 ~ December 201 42________________________________________________________________________________www.nscale.org.auIssue 21 ~ December 201 4________________________________________________________________________________www.nscale.org.au3GorgeQuarry4________________________________________________________________________________www.nscale.org.auIssue 21 ~ December 201 4Issue 21 ~ December 201 4________________________________________________________________________________www.nscale.org.au5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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